Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Ivory Ella Please follow the link if you're interested in their website.

I know that everyone has a love for animals or maybe even a specific animal and mine is elephants. i'm not the only one. Many people have heard of ivory ella and many have not. They are all about elephants. Saving the elephants, clothing with elephants, accessories with elephants, and donations. On this website they give you some facts about elephants, they give you a wide variety of clothing, jewelry, accessories, gift cards you can purchase. They also have a place to for you to donate and have an area where you can see how much has been donated. I wanted to bring awareness to this website because it may give you the chance to find something you love and you can purchase it. They are working for a great cause to try and save the elephants.

Jobs Of Elephants

Elephants could be considered that jack of many trades. They work in entertainment, construction, building,ect.  They are considered transportation, and even a pet to some. Elephants have been in entertainment for years and years. You could see them in the circus, traveling with a group or working individually with an elephant trainer. Elephants are used as a source of transportation all of the world, whether they're the only way to get around, used on a safari or if you just want to take a stroll. Elephants are used in situations when you can't get machinery somewhere. For example in some countries where they are logging they cant get all the trucks and the equipment deep in the forest so they use elephants. They're used as cranes, trucks, really anything to get the job done.

Elephants are similar to horses and can work by leg or hand command, since they are used in different cultures the learn different languages. It's said to be all about trust. If you earn their trust you can take them anywhere and do anything. After a long day of work elephants like to have some time to themselves to just relax and soak in the bath. Considered to have characteristics like a child they may want someone to sit down and cuddle with at the end of the day.

Friday, February 19, 2016

African Elephant vs. Asian Elephants

Many people think that all elephants are the same. That's not the case there are tons of different species of elephant but the two most commonly recognized and basically the only ones are African and Asian elephants.

African Elephants:

 Both males and Females grow tusks, they have large ears and can grow well over 12ft. They are usually found in deserts or forest areas. They travel in herds ranging in size from 12 to 20 elephants. In some cases they will break down into smaller groups but always keep contact with one another, Males don't stick around unless they have a mate, they usually break out of the group to start their own herd. Females are the complete opposite they stick with the same herd and are very social. They are said to be very expressive and use "verbal" and "non verbal' communication. They are said to be excellent mothers. they can carry offspring for up to  22 months. When a calf is born it's a big celebration in the herd.  Their diet can very from trees, plants, and fruits, they don't digest some foods very well and can constantly be chewing throughout the day. They don't have any predators besides humans which are the reason elephants have a small population.

Asian Elephants:

They are a smaller elephant. They do have a large body but have small ears, males will grow tusks while females do not. They are much smaller then African elephants in weight and height. Asian elephants are found in places like Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. It said there are only 40,000 left in the wild. They are very social with each other and create bonds within the herd, they will do everything together. Play time is very common within the herd, they are said to be great parents and show compassion and love toward their offspring. Plants are their basic source of food and for the young milk and an occasional plant will get the job done. When it comes to mating Asian elephants will wait til later in life to mate. Females will wait from age 14-25 years old. Males can wait up til 50 years of age to find the right mate. Again, humans are one of the only serious threats to elephants. Generally elephants are friendly and social animals.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Ten facts about Elephants

I'm going to tell you ten interesting facts about elephants and hopefully you learn something new!

1. Elephants can hear each others calls up to 5 miles away
2. The largest elephant on record in 24,000 lbs.
3. Elephants take mud baths to cool down.
4. Elephants can get a sun burn.
5. Elephants throw sand on themselves to protect their skin.
6. African elephants have the best sense of smell out of all the animals in the kingdom
7. Elephants mourn death in the herd.
8. Elephants have a great memory.
9. Elephants are pregnant for more than  a year.
10.  Elephants have chins.
There are so many things about elephants that you're going to learn from this blog. I hope you're ready to be blown away.


Elephants have always been an interest of mine. They are such fabulous animals that have so many things to offer. They are so intelligent and can survive in mostly any climate. They can be transportation, a source of entertainment, a guide, a pet or just something to admire.  They have unique personalities and develop their skills or survival everyday. I want to write about elephants to increase what I know about elephants and to share what I've learned throughout the semester.
Follow the link for a funny video.